Thursday, January 1, 2009

Back to good old MINNESOTA

After eight months of adventure I finally arrived home to a balmy -10 degrees F, nice welcoming hu?

The end of my time on Blue, the catamaran, was amazing! I taught a few Spanish lessons to Richard and fellow boaters. It is always handy to say "una cerveza por favor" using the correct grammar! Richard and I did a little road trip to see the first establishment in the new world. Columbus definitely had a good view out of his windows, overlooking a beautiful bay of blue and green waters!

Being on Blue was amazing and I will NEVER forget my experience!

It has been amazing seeing all my family and friends, what a perfect time to be home for the holidays! Like my sister Sarah said, "There is nothing better than being with family for the holidays!" Ezequiel flew to MN for Christmas, so did Sarah, my sister's boyfriend from NY. The parents were both happy to have us home!