Wednesday, April 7, 2010

El castillo

Winter in MN

Eze and I went to explore Minniehaha waterfall. Mud, meltin water = fun!

El castillo .2

Spring is in the air!
I am sure that you have heard about the 1st time home buyer tax credit, if not, if you are a 1st time home buyer you get a kick butt $8,000 basically. This April, yes the 30th I get to take advantage of that when I close on my 1st home, yippee! It is in Crystal, MN, in a unique location, it happens to be situated right next to my grandparent’s home. It’s on a whopping .62 acre lot; I can’t wait to play outside at my new home. I’ll make sure to let everyone know when the house warming party is 


Eze with our first X-Mas tree. Massive, right?

Spring break, what a wonderful invention; it gives one time to catch up on everything! So here I am updating by blog. It has been a while, since July 2009. Apparently when really exciting fun things happen they are blog worthy, and I haven’t had much of the blog worthy stuff until now.

After teaching 3 quarters at Groveland Elementary School, in Minnetonka, MN, I mean getting my capabilities tested to the max; I have some time to relax. My 1st year teaching has been amazing! I have 26 3rd graders that I get to say ‘buenos dias’ to every week day. They are fabulous. Our day starts in Spanish, and finished in Spanish. It was quite comical, my first month on the job the kids were still easing into the target language, one of my students, Brynn, didn’t know a key word for a conversation. She wanted to tell the reading specialist, who is wonderful, sorry about your husband passing away, or in 3rd grader words, sorry to hear your husband died. She knew all the words is Spanish accept the verb ‘to die’ so, what did she do, she acted it out, sliding her finger across the front of her neck, as if it were a knife and making a screeching noise. Ahhh the joys of immersion.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lima lima do ya wanna LIMA?

Lima was our last city to visit on the trip, and the students were sad.

Our last days were filled with amazing moments. We went surfing with the X-champ of peru, Magoo. The students did a great job catching some waves, and so did I.

7 of the students ended up geting tattoos. We had our second annual cook-off. Breakfast and night vs. a night at the grill. Both teams did an amazing job.

Our last night comprised of dancemoves and pisco sours. We ended up going to sing Kareoke at a bar and then made our way to a discoteca and sook our bon-bons!

Pacific Challenge South America 2009 was a great success, thanks to Steph, my co-guide, and all of the wonderful participants!

Ica to Huacachina

After a taxing few weeks of hiking and traveling, a poolside roomcalledmy name. THe 13 of us took a windy overnight bus, 16hrs. One of our participants, Clay, vomited most of the way, and let me tell you, this kid vomits, it sounded as if there was a lion roaring, no joke!

The pockets of my shorts filled with sand as I hiked up one of the many sand dunes,and then slid down. WE went sandboarding and went for a ride on the sand buggie. The driver,Sonrisas, was great, he even took us to a great spot to watch the sun set. From there we played push off or kind out the mountain and ate lots of sand!

Lima here we come!