Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lima lima do ya wanna LIMA?

Lima was our last city to visit on the trip, and the students were sad.

Our last days were filled with amazing moments. We went surfing with the X-champ of peru, Magoo. The students did a great job catching some waves, and so did I.

7 of the students ended up geting tattoos. We had our second annual cook-off. Breakfast and night vs. a night at the grill. Both teams did an amazing job.

Our last night comprised of dancemoves and pisco sours. We ended up going to sing Kareoke at a bar and then made our way to a discoteca and sook our bon-bons!

Pacific Challenge South America 2009 was a great success, thanks to Steph, my co-guide, and all of the wonderful participants!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved reading through you're blog and will always be checking up from time to time. I have a little tear in my eye I wanna do PCSA again next summer!
love brent (;