Friday, June 12, 2009

Iguazu Falls in Missiones, Argentina

The flight to Iguazu Falls was great! Our driver, the same a s last year, Miguel was waiting us with a warm smile. Pedro Pan, our hostel also awaited for us with a nice clean pool.

Steph, my co-guide, and I got to work. But first, I had to get a COLD beer and some peanuts. After a walk to the grocery store and who knows how many Lbs. of food, we cooked dinner for our 11 wonderful students. Good thing we got two brand of noodles. One turned out to be complete MUSH, and GROSS!

Iguazu falls was, for the 3rd time breathtaking. The students were amazed at the cuantity of water spilling over ´la garganta del diablo´ the throat of the devil, and crashing into an abis of spray and waterfalls.

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