Friday, June 12, 2009

The Guarani

La Communidad Guarani in Monte Carlo

Dark hair, bleached with bleach, dirty faces, dirt incrusted finger nails, big bellies, smiles and attentioned deprived children welcomed us as we arrived to the indignous community of the Guarani.

We cooked food, taught about basic health, and played for hours.

The Guarani are a community in Northern Argentina. They are in the midst of integrating into society, what does this mean, learning to addapt to ´our´ ways, and keep their ways. A hard position to be in.

We spent two days in the community. We brushed through nappy, snarly lice filled hair, cooking protine rich food, and smiled and giggling with the kids. They took us to their watering hole and showed us how to swing on vines. It was an experience that once again, has enriched my life.

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