Friday, June 12, 2009

Do ya wanna Salta Salta?


12am, and we just arrived to Salta after a 27hr+ commute from Missiones -I had to learn how to use my legs after such a long bus ride. Good thing the 7 block walk to our hostel, Terra Oculta, turned into a 12 block walk. I got a little turned around due to poor directions, oops! We arrived at our hostel, got all the students checked into their rooms, and took advantage of a Friday night.

A free day for the group. Steph and I got everything crossed off on our to- do list.
- washing our clothes
- paying for the hostel
- picking up the bus tickets
- paying for our rafting trip the following day
- buying food
- eat some empanadas, it was empanada day!
- cooking up a Mexican Fiesta with ´hostel´kitchen stuff, not an easy task.
- making sure everyone had an awesome day
A very productive day I must say.

Rafting and Zip-lining.
A windy bus ride to the river bed and a beautiful view was an OK way to start the day. We slowly put on our rafting gear, split up into two rafts, and the war began. Good thing I had grade A splashers in my raft. We had a ball, we pushed everyone out, got the dog, who yes, was ridging in the raft on class 3 rapids, to jump into our raft, and even managed to get our Guide´s sister, who was 12, into the river.

After the rapids, we hiked up a valley and zipped lined accross four times. It was fun to see the fear or excitiement in some of the students eyes.

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