Friday, June 12, 2009

La Paz

The HOTEL in La Paz was good to us! Three days with no running water = 13 DIRTY people!

The ´trip´ to the Jungle

Flight one to the Jungle: Cancelled
Flight two to the Jungle: Cancelled
Solution: A three day, bug filled, boat ride down the Beni River, which yes, does meet up with the Amazon River. (my legs are still healing from all the bites, sand flies are NO good)

The next three days were a blast. They guys in our group are terrified of spiders, so yes, I had fun with that one, and being the great tour guide I am, made sure to point out every spider to them. We loaded up our gear into a 12 meter long boat made out of ONE log. Down the river we went as we wntered into the cloud forest and then the rain forest. We saw a LION, many birds, a tucan, loads of bugs, and fished. We cammped on the shores of the river, enjoyed a campfire made of DRY driftwood, swan in waterfalls, and hiked through the lush forest. The hilight of the trip was me pulling one of our participants, Lauren, out of quick sand.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Ok, this helps me to not be sooo jealous of all your fun while I'm stuck in Winona. Elías and I are having our own fun, though- sleep, eat, clean diapers, do it all over again...