Friday, June 12, 2009

4x4 time

Three days, two Jeeps, and a sand storm

We jumped into our Jeeps after crossing the chaotic Bolivia-Chile border. Sonia, our Bolivian guide greeted us, for the 2nd year in a row, with hugs and kisses.

The Jeeps drove through the lagoons filled with flamencos, passed the crazy rock formations, weaved in and out of volcanoes, and got us safe and sound out of a big sand storm.

We sent our first night, fighting altutude, in a ´mud hostel´ and the second in a ´Salt hostel´. The third day we arrived to the endless miles of salt in the famous Salar de Uyuni, and eventually made it to the small town of Uyuni.

From Uyuni we enjoyed the Bolivian roads, and busses, as we made our way to La Paz.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

JENNNIIIIIIIIIIIFER!!! Dale un beso a Sonia de mi parte.