Sunday, May 24, 2009

Buenos Aires

One week later…Buenos Aires
The Santamaria Family, Eze´s aunt, uncle, and cousins gave me a WARM welcome like always! We had a sushi feast at their home and Eze´s mom, Gabriela was there as well. It was my 2nd time spending time with her and loads of fun. The next day we went to Lobos to purchase some meat for a traditional barbecue with my students. Yep, ½ cow, not a bad deal. We also loaded up on fresh produce picked earlier that morning. On the car ride there and back we spent the entire time laughing about life. Like always the Santamaria family was amazing to me.

The students arrived the following day. We toured the beautiful hustling and bustling city of Buenos Aires. We explored the Casa Rosada, Puerto Madero, El Cemetario de Recoleta, and made sure everyone tried the local delicacies. Empanadas, Alfajores, Marroc Bars, my favorie ´Ser´cracers and of course Malbec wine. Attending a Boca soccer game was intense, and of course the won, however didn´t do so well the rest of the week and are now out of the ´copa libertador´ tournament. And like always, the dance clubs were a blast.

The student’s favorite part of BsAs was our traditional barbecue or ´asado´ at the Santamaria´s home. Dani grilled up the meat while Cristina prepares salads, bread, and little things to munch on. Most of all, the laughs, comparisons of cultures, and hospitality of the Santamaria´s were amazing.

I also got to meet up with some old friends, Yanina and Flor, which was very exciting!

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