Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ecuador and the 'hikes'

I woke up this morning itching my ancle which is filled mosquito bites, thank goodness for itch cream!

For the past two weeks I have been making my way around Ecuador to the places I missed last year. Noa, my travel buddie from Israel, and I crossed into Ecuador with no problems, and ended up in a small, bizzare town called Vilcabamba. We arrived late, at 12am, and there was NOTHING open, this is wierd seeing how most families have dinner around 9/10pm. We spent our time in Vilcamamba hiking around, three days of fresh air, one has to love the sent of flowers and plants all around!

Hike one, to Mt. Mondongo. Noa and I made our way to the begining of the hike and accidently passed the enterance, oops, yet eventually found it. From the ENTRANCE we made our way up the mountain wich would peak at 2,500M, so a nice 4 hr hike, right? Well, we got to a cross situated at the top of what seemed to be the top. We broke out our chololate and celebrated, oops! We then realized there was another cross atop aonther mountain so we continued on. The path to the next mountain was not so great, it was actually pretty dangerous. One wrong step, and adios! slowely but shurely was our slogan as we climbed on all fours to reach the top! The view was great we could see for miles and miles, fields of crops, the city, and the river!

Hike two, through the ecological forest. Vilcabamba is know as the ecological center of Ecuador. The flor and fauna is at its best and researchers from all around the world come here to take advantage of it. Some time ago, a group of researchers labled all of the plants, trees, flowers, and whatever else there was to find. Noa and I hiked by the river and the old river walls, and guess what, yep we got turned around, hu? Eventually We made our way back to our amazing hostel, it had hot tubs and a steam room, niceeeeeeee, and relaxed!

Hike three, a quest to find a waterfall in the national park...
Most of the people traveling in South America tend to travel North or South on the'gringo trail'. With that said, it is not uncommon to run into the same people more than once. Noa and I ran into a friend from Huaraz, Inon, and we all went on the 6hr. hike together. We stroleld through town, then through the surrounding family farms and eventually arrived to the national park. The map we had, it was an OK map, indicated we would cross three gates, walk about 20 min inbetween them, arrive at a corn field, and then 40 min further we would see the waterfall, not to mention run into a troll and answer his riddle, right? Well sounds easy.We ended up doing exactly so, there were tons of paths so it was hard to choose what one to follow. Well, with our luck, we didn't find the waterfall, but we had lunch, tomato and avocado sandwiches on what Noa and I call the best bread in Ecuador, by the raging river and enjoyed that.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

yeah! lots of hiking! sounds beautiful and fun :)