Thursday, July 10, 2008

Peru´s Beach at its best: MANCORA!

After such an extensive hike in Huaraz, the coast was calling my name!

Last year I went to a small beach town, Mancora, and had a great time. So why not have a great time twice! Two long bus rides, for a total of 22 hours, and I was there! I arrived at 6am, took a mimi-taxi, a motorcycle with a buggie attached, to my hostel. I arrived and crashed, I got no sleep on the long bus rides. I woke up, to use the bathroom, and there were TONS of crickets all over, NASTY! And then, I went to take a bite of my cookies, and after biting down, realized there were billions of ants crawling all over the cookie, AHHHH! Not such a great morning. That day I went for a run on the beach, and then took advantage of the sun! Later, I met up with the two Isralies who went with me on the trek in Huaraz. It was fun to see them again. I also met loads of travelers who were enjoying the beach and the waves. That night, fire on the beach. It was great, the locals were there playing the drums and guitar.

The next day, I took advantage of the sun once again, and yes mom, I did use sunscreen! Later, I decided the waves looked good, and rented a surfboard. It was my first time surfing alone, kinda scary! Thank goodness, a local, Rob, who also lived in CA, came over and gave me some tips! He later invited me to a 4th of July celebrration, a BBQ, with other people from the States who were volunteering in Mancora. After a few hours of ´catching waves´ I washed the salt water off, and made way to the BBQ. Chicked, salmon, and a dish from everyone made for quite a feast, with no kitchen I contributed some beer! It was great spending the night with other Americans, and an invitation for more surfing!

Rob, myself, and two other surfing studetns made our way over to a beach down the coast, it was BEAUTIFUL! The best part was, there was no one there and we had the waves all! Rob gave me some great pointers, and I got a bunch of waves, NICCCCCCCCCCCE! Paddling like crazy, I swear this is the hardest part of surfing, we went for lunch. Ceviche, a local dish of fish marinated in the acidic juices of limes and lemons was ohhh so good!

That night, was a party night. All of the travelers, we all came to know eachother, went out on the town! Dance dance revolution with tons of nationalities, what a great time! I also happened to run into, Raul, one of the surfers I met in Lima, and we decided that I needed to surf one last time in peru!

The next morning was not so fun, RESACA, but the 8am waves cured it all. Raul, his friend, and a surfboard showed up, and we all hit the waves one last time. Cutting it a little too close, Noa, my traveling partner for the next few weeks, and I rushed to the bus station and jummped on our 11am bus to Ecuador! Adios crickets!


Z said...

Fun fun... !!!
I heard Crickets are best served with worms on the side! ;)

Vanessa said...

I definitely appreciate all that work you had to do paddling:)