Thursday, July 10, 2008

Traveling North

After being in Lima, Peru for quite some time, I decided to head North to Huaraz. Huaraz is a small city located on the Cordillera Blanca and Negra, which is a range of snow capped mountains. Actually, the most beautiful mountain in the world is located here, as well as the tallest in Peru (Dad).

After a long, uncomfortable over night bus from Lima, I arrived to Huaraz at 7am. From there I checked into the worlds most amazing hostel. We are talking, comfy beds, a kitchen, a tarrace, toilet paper in the bathrooms, a movie renting room, and free internet, nice I know! I took the day to aclimate myself to the town, located at 2,000M, and booked a 4 day trek through the cordillera. That night I took advantage of the movie room and watched a movie, The Interpreter, with 2 other Americans. Ttoo bad at the very end the DVD began to skip, WHAT, this possibly the most annoying thing in the WORLD!

The next day I woke up at 5:30. A taxi picked me up at 6, if forgot my scarf in the taxi, way to go, and met the rest of the crew, who would be my family for the next 4 days. Our guide Miguel was a jokster, a couple from Spain, a couple from the States, a couple from Switzerland, 2 isralies, ,and myself, EZE, it would have been fun to have you at my side! We all introdiced ourselves and took a van to a very small village, at the base of this breathaking mountain range, and began the hike.

Day one consisted of making our way from the foothills to the bottom of the mountains. Uphill and dowhill, crossing rivers, and climbing over rocks. We arrived at base camp, set up camp, and enjoyed what our guide called ´happy hour´snacks and a hot drink! The sun went down behind the mountains and from there we all began to get really cold. I packed on the layers, and warmed up a little! We had a spectacular dinner, soup, chicken and rice, even desert! After dinner, card time and then BED! To warm up my sleeping bag, which was frozen, I put bolied water in a canteen and tossed in to the bottom. Going pee at night was not fun, SOOO COLD! That night, sleep was meerly impossible, it was 0F!

The next morning we went to hike over a mountain pass, the altitude grew to around 3,000M, what did this entail for us? Well, slow bodies, and headackes! Hiking over the mountain pass was a killer on the legs, not to mention the lungs! We all made it, and then downward we went, what goes up must go down. Arriving at camp was the same, cold cold cold!

Day three of the hike, one more pass to cross, this pass zig-zaged for about 2miles. Huffing and puffing, the entire gourp made it to the pass, at 4,000M! the view was stunning, there were no clouds in the sky, therefor all the mountain peaks, about 7 of them, were visible. After the pass, we went down a bit, not that much, and reached an óptional´addition to the what had already been a long day. Well, why not, ,when in rome, do like the romans. 1 hr into the éxtra hike´and we arrived at the base camp of people who would be summiting various mountains around us, wow what ambition! And also, encouragement to some day summit one of these vary mountains. We passed their base camp, and headed up. Zig-zaging through fields of loupin flowera and amazing views of all the mountain peaks, we arrived at a Glacier lake. Pieces of that glacier were floating on the lake, it made me want to hop on them, NOT an option! However, I did fall in the lake, well my foot-leg did! We wanted to do a ´facebook´pose on a roke in the lake, and I slipped, nice! No fun hiking back to camp with a wet boot! That night we all celebrated the feats which we had accomplished, the Spanish brought a bottle of rum, which we all passed along, needless to say, it was a bit easier falling alseep that night!

Day 4, the final day we made our way down what we had come up. Passing over rivers, villages, and finally into warm weather. Within 3 hours the temperature jumped from 20F to 60F, wow!
We made it to the bus stop, where we were to be picked up, and celebrarted with a beer. We all had some candies left over, and handed them out to the poor kids of the village, their smiles were better than a ´gracias´. That night, we all arrived back in Huaraz and REALLY enjoyed the HOT shower at what I call the best hostel ever!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Sounds like you were in much better condition to enjoy this hike than the last- it sounds amazing and so much fun!!