Tuesday, March 3, 2009

OHHH how I miss South America

Only in South America

I typed this up after my trip and forgot to post it...

- Will you see signs on all of the bathroom doors, stating “ do not trough paper in the toilet, no botes papel al hinodoro”. And only when one returns from South America do they continue to throw toilet paper in the trash, yep, I did it for about 1 week, I had to mentally say to myself, IN THE TOILETT!

- Is there so much public transportation. Bus systems, in Colombia they call it the Transmilenio, in Buenos Aires, they use the Subte. Everyone walks! In Peru on our way to Machu Picchu we saw kids making the 2hrs trek to school hiking up and down the sides of mountain passes.

- Fresh produce is sold in abundance. The vegetable and fruit markets are a daily trip for most families, the women, who purchase what they will cook that night in the morning. The markets are about the size of a soccer field and have everything from fresh flowers for making organic teas, to chicken skin being tossed in the trash.

- Bartering! There are NO set prices. Always start low and work your way up! Buy in bulk, and show the seller you know Spanish and are not afraid to use it. However, one always has to take into consideration all the work that goes into some of the handy crafts and be careful how low the price becomes.

- The diversity in the Spanish language. In Argentina cool is “Barbaro”, in Colomabia it is “Chevere”. In Argentina to party is “salir de joda” and in Colombia, “salir de rumba” ahhh it is so hard to keep it all straight! In Colombia the youth slip the phrase, “marica, and huevon” into every sentence at least 3 times!

Being home, well in the USA, I already miss it all! The travelers that I met, the locals who helped me arrive to my hostel at 2am in the morning! The bugs, well I just stopped itching a few days ago, and actually ended up with a poisonous rash on my leg, lasting 2 weeks after I returned! The food, asado, mariscos, ceviche, alfajores, guayaba juice, arepas, dulce de leche, aguardiente, well not really! Being able to wake up and think, what will I do today, who will I meet, and what adventure will be had. Moreover, the ability to be as free as a bird, to literally stand in front of two b uses and think, “which bus am I going to take, the one to northern Ecuador or to the south”. To be able to feel like a minority, and to experience life to the fullest! With that said, I can’t wait for my next trip! Thanks to all of the people who made this, another one that will never be forgotten!


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