Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bus Ride, Taganga, and Another Bus Ride

After spending one more night in Cartagena we took an early morning bus to Taganga, a coastal city 4 hours east. The bus ride was not bad, a short 4 hrs. We arrived in Taganga and guess what, yes, we found a place with once again NO air conditioning, hahah! 2 fans though! It was an apartment right off the beach, not bad. That night we went on a short little hike and found a great lookout, the view of Taganga and all the fishing boats, the mountains in the background, and the ocean was spectacular! Dinner time, called for some whole made pasta sauce, great bread, and a nice cold beer. We ate dinner right off our porch, played cards and went on an evening stroll, it was a relaxed night, as I was feeling a bit under the weather :)

Waking up to the sound of fishermen and waves rolling into shore was not bad. After eating a wonderful breakfast, french toast, we hiked east to find numbers of beaches, each one unique. Taganga has a beach, however it is very polluted, (trash in the ocean and what not, lesson for un DON'T LITTER, or even PICK UP SOME TRASH AND GIT RID OF IT!) so we made our way to the 'nicer' beaches. The hike was rocky, hot, and dusty, after hiking for 1hr in the heat we finally arrived to the end of the path, yet no evident beach. We hiked down the cliff a bit more and found a steep path to some boulders that lined the shore. Carefully, we hiked down and found the most romantic private spot on some huge boulders. The afternoon was spent, just the two of us, the ocean, and some fish and snails. Our spot was perfect, it was on the side of a cliff, so when we got hot, we dove right into the ocean. When we had enough of our private spot, there was really no where to stretch out, and no sand, we hiked along the coast, barefoot, to the next beach. There we found loads of people snorkeling, not to mention a ice cream man selling ice cream, he was pushing his cart in the ocean, not on the sand, only in Colombia, and joined in the party.

I saw the most amazing fish in my life! A sword fish two feet long, bright blue, and about one inch wide, many angle fish, some eels, and numerous sea enchants.

That evening, we caught a night bus to Bogota, where Ezequiel's flight to Argentina would be departing from. The bus ride was a long 18hrs, good thing I got to spend it with Eze. As we got on the bus, we couldn't sit down, there was someone in our seats, and we were not about to give up these seats, #1 and #2, loads of leg room, and great view of the TV. The guy, was a JERK, we asked him to move, " we have the tickets for those seats, what does your ticket say?" I don't have one yet, he said, the driver has yet to give me one, Obviously he got the hook-up from the driver, and the driver said they could have the seats. After about 10 of bickering, the military, who was checking every passenger as they entered, interfered, and put the bus driver and customers in their place and granted up the seat, rightfully so. Well, the entire bus ride this Colombian punk did not stop whiling. He kept on saying "green-go-home", referring to us and Gringos. Well, Ezequiel recently told me, yesterday, that when we stopped for breakfast, he noticed that there was gum in his hair, NO WAY! that punk!!!! So, Eze, the smart one he is, emptied a bottle of water onto his seat, hahaha nice thinking! I never noticed any of this that day, but looking back, what great revenge!

We eventually arrived in Bogota, and Eze took off to Argentina. One to visit home, but primarily to renew his student visa, hoping to finish school in December. All went well for him, and he is now back in FL, coaching tennis and about to start up his last semester at St. Thomas University. What a magical week with the boyfriend in Colombia!

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