Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Bogotá, Colombia

Arriving to Colombia was interesting. I took two buses, stood for 2hrs on one of them, took a taxi to the airport in Ecuador, flew to Panama City, Panama, found out my flight was overbooked, (even though my flight was CONFIRMED, I had to wait for 4 hrs until the next flight) and FINALLY arrived in Bogota. Diana, a friend of mine (she and her cousin, Jaime, worked at Coon Rapids HS, where I did my Student teaching last fall). I spent a week with them in Bogota. They showed me all around the huge and amazing city which is full of life; the central plaza, the night life, and all of the amazing parks. Diana, Jaime, Diana´s cousin Diego, and her brother, Juan introduced me to Aguila, the national beer, aguardiente, the national liquor, which tastes like black liquorish, yuck, and chichi, a fermented beer(needless to say, Bogotá was loaded with party!). I met both Diana and Jaime´s family, they were all so welcoming.

After spending a week with them, I realized what an amazing country Colombia is. Besides the problem with guerilleras, and the anti-government organization, FARC (who are responsible for the kidnappings) it is a country filled with friendliness. From Bogota I traveled to San Gil, a small town also filled with amicable people. I visited a waterfall, and played around in it all day long. I along with a new friend hiked up to the top, stood under the raging falls, and then hiked to the bottom and did numerous cannon balls into the pool carved out by the water at the bottom. The next day, along with some more new friends, Chris from the U.S, and two Aussies, we took a mini bus to a nearby colonial city, and hiked from there to another city, which was even smaller. The hike was not bad, but the heat was definitely getting to me, it was 100 and humid. After getting back to town, I enjoyed some of the ´street food´ . Corn on the cob roasted over hot coals, fresh squeezed lemonade, and some whole made ice cream. From that adventure, I went on my next, caving. In a nearby town there is a cave that extends for 20K, and then some, the entire cave has not been explored. A group of 5 travelers and a guide geared up putting on helmets, and head-lamps. We entered the cave, trudging through water, and ducking under the stalagetites and stalagmites. In one part of the cave, where it was so narrow, we had to swim under a passage for about 2min, it was scary! It was quite impressive and an out of this world experience!

At the moment I am in the Northern coast of Columbia soaking up the sun! Tomorrow I am off for a 6 day hike to the ´Lost City´ and then on the 14 Ezequiel is coming to visit.

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