Sunday, October 26, 2008

Adios Bogota!

Back to Bogota. After the sisters from V de L kindly invited me to drive back to Bogota with them I arrived to Diana's smoked filled apartment. I spent the next few days getting ready to leave, Florida, was calling my name. I made a few purchases, gifts for friends and family, and did what I loved the most in Bogota. I hung out in coffee shop, met random people, and went out on the town. I also met up with Chris, a Canadian Spanish teacher and avid rock climber, whom I had previous met in another city. He invited me to go rick climbing with him in a town just north of Bogota, Suesca. Suesca is known for the rick climbing, nothing else. We arrived lat at night, found a local restaurant still open, we were starving, and enjoyed the typical chicken, rice, and plantain meal. The next day we geared up and headed to the ROCKS! I ended up doing some pretty serious climbing, a 10a, It was intense, but day fun! We climbed 4 walls, I belayed Chris, and he did the same for me. He did some very technical climbing, while on the other hand, I just tried to make it up the wall. I think I am going to get into it when i arrive back home in Minnesota.

I took 3 means of transportation to get back to Bogota to celebrant my last night there. One bus, the transmilienio, and a taxi. I was not in a hurry but wanted to get back to Diana's house, where I was staying so that I could get ready, finish packing, and have some dinner. I asked her, before I left if she would leave me the keys, in other words, give them to the door man so that he would let me in. Well upon arriving to her apartment, after a very long day, the doorman informed me that she did not leave any keys and that I was locked out. Great! So, I went to a locutorio, and placed a call to her cell, she answered and told me to call back in 10 minutes, well I did, and no answer, in fact she did not answer for the next 2 hours. I finally found her brother cell number, called him, took a taxi to his work, got the key, and let myself in. What a mess!!!

After finally getting sorted, I made my way to the downtown area of Bogota for one last crazy night! I danced the night away with Diana's friends and family, some of my friends from the hostel I stayed at before, and NO DIANA, interesting. Well, We called it a night at 3 am, got back to the apartment at 4am, and I hoped into an airport taxi at 5am. No sleep! The airport was insane, people all over, I finally got the the gate and relaxed until boarding began! home to the good US of A!

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