Friday, August 1, 2008

Montañita, Ecuador

Moñtanita is a very small beach town that is home to surfers and partiers alike, good thing we were there on a weekend! The two hour bus ride from Puerto Lopez was not bad, too bad we were about 3hrs late in arriving to Moñtanita. Shane, one of my super good friends from Winona who is traveling south america, and I were susposed to meet up at 2pm. Noa and I arrived at 4:30, oops! Good thing because Shane and his crew (Chris, Ryan and his girlfriend) were going to leave at 5pm! Noa and I began to walk down the main road, and all of a sudden I heard, ´SCHOLZZZZZZZZZZZY´It was shane! It was awesome to see him, we kind of have this wierd long distance friendship and only see each other about 3 times a year.

That weekend consisted of pure celebration! Friday night, and lots to do in Montañita. We checked into our hostel, with hammocks on the porch and made our way to the volleyball courts. Of course we got all sandy, and went in for a dip. The ocean was nice, the waves were the perfect size to play in. From there, we took advantage of the great party that Moñtanita had to offer. Along one of the few roads in Moñtanita there is a row of little cabinas that serve whatever you may want, specializing in mohitos and other fruity driniks. We spent most of the night there, just chillin, and then went to shake our booties! It was a great night, which ended at 5am.

Saturday, and I swear I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I woke up sick as a dog, cold wise, runny nose, cough, headach, and aching eyes. I went to look for my glasses and they were no where to be found! Great I though, one more of my possessions lose in South America. I then went to pack my purse for the day, and realized that I hardly had any cash, hmmmm, I dug a little further and NO WAY, all of my cash in my big wallet was gone, along with my student ID cards, and my cell phone! GREAT! I was so mad! What had happened is that during the whale watching excursion on Puerto Lopez I stored my bags in the storage area, we had to check out by 11. Well, someone found a little treasure when they went into the storage area and stole all my cash! So mad!

Well, I got over the situation, thanks to Ezequiel´s cheering me up. The rest of the day was spent relaxing on the beach and a nother night filled with fun. I made the best of my time in Montañita with Shane, Chris, and Noa because as Sunday came, were were all off in different directions. It was time for me to say ´adios´to some amazing friends. It was especially sad saying goodbye to Noa, we had spent about 3 weeks travelling together, and I will never forget our crazy times, especialy with the peanutbutter!

Next stop, Guayaquil to catch a flight to Colombia


Vanessa said...

Awwww, Jen, that SUCKS. I´m glad you were able to put it behind you and continue enjoying your trip, though. Good luck on the next leg!

Leandro Merli said...

Hey everybody here its a guide about the town and