Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day 1, Errands

Sunshine and a gentle breeze was my wake up call. Richard, the captain of Blue, and I spent the day running errands. We filled up two carts with grocery bags, went to about 4 different sail boat stores, and two other random stores. I finished settling into my quarters. My room is nice and spacious, full or storage, and has a cool cross breeze from the ports and hatches. I have an emergency exit window right next to my bed that is parallel to the ocean, I can't help but look for fish everytime I wake up. After a long, and hectic day, we were spent.

That evening I went for a run, taking advantage of my time on land. On my run, I saw a family dumpster diving in back of a locar restaurant, sad. It made me think of South America, as well as how lucky I am to have such a wonderful like, and amazing adventure ahead of me.

Dinner time with some of Richard's old sailing friends. Old, as in friends from the past, as well as in age. We dined at one upscale restaurant, and thank goodness my parents taught me what forks to use and when!

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